God Chose Us

Have you ever wondered why David was called a man after Gods heart? How did he earn such a title? After all David was not perfect for a long shot.  Just like you and I, David had sinned and failed often. The bible tells us we all fall short of the glory of God and that word “all” means that David, the courageous, obedient, worshiper was not excluded from the short fall of glory. However, grace stepped in for David and proved to be sufficient just as it does for us today. That grace that covers a multitude of sin.

But if David needed just as much grace as we do, why did God love him so much?            
As humans we may be inclined to think that God loved David so much because of his service, courage, character, obedience and passion for Him. After all, he was a worshipper according to 2 Samuel 6:14. But wait, isn’t that what we do? We love those who seem to possess all the “right” characteristics and do all the “right” things. We want to bless those who appear to be meeting the mark.

This should lead us to think on a deeper level as it relates to God because God is not that shallow. Sure, He loves those who are obedient and will do His will. However, the bible also tells us that His ways and thoughts are higher than ours, for He is the Savior of the world. Romans 5:8 says that God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while were still sinners. Therefore, He loves the unlovable and according to Jeremiah 3:14, He is married to the backslider.  God does not look at the outward appearance of a man, He searches the heart.  

Before Samuel anointed David as King, he considered Eliab. According to 1 Samuel 16:6, Samuel took one look at Eliab and thought surely this is the Lords anointed. But the Lord said to Samuel in verse 7, “Don’t judge by appearance or height, for I have rejected him.” The Lord doesn’t make decisions the way you and I do. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at a person’s thoughts and intentions.

In Acts 13:22, the Lord describes David as “a man after my heart, who will do my will.”  Again, why did God love David so much? Because God chose David and He knew David’s heart! So why does God love us so much? Because He chose us! He knew us before we were formed. He knew we would be men or women after His own heart. God knows that a” good” heart will yield” good” fruit. You see, it was the condition of David’s heart that brought about courage, character, obedience and passion for our Savior. His thoughts and intentions were good towards the Lord.  And so it is with us, we are a people after Gods heart, just like David, growing every day in courage, character, obedience and passion, and seeking to do the will of the Father!

Lord, thank you for reminding us that You love us because You chose us, not through any goodness of our own but simply because You love us! Yes Lord, we are people after Your heart!!! With our whole hearts, we will praise You and seek to do Your will forevermore. Amen!

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